Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Shout Outs

Updated 3/2017-- photos and all links (except to my own posts) removed as many no longer active. 

James Logan, MD is the host for this week’s Grand Rounds. You can read this week’s virtual tour edition here.
Remember the days when one accessed the internet by using a telephone line to dial up an isp? For that matter, remember when one made telephone calls using an actual telephone line? Well, for this blogger, that day has returned. I very foolishly agreed to host grand rounds during the week after a move to a new apartment (still no agreement on a new dining room table, by the way) not realizing that our high speed internet would not yet be set up during the time I would be preparing this post. No matter. I temporarily have free dial-up access! Hence, this grand rounds is going to be a tribute to Web 1.0 and the various deprecated tags of HTML 4. Comments, of course, are still enabled. ……….
Elaine Schattner, M.D, Medical Lessons, discusses the recent news regarding mammograms in her recent post:  Mammography Update
This week I’ve come across a few articles and varied blog posts on screening mam­mog­raphy. The impetus for rehashing the topic is a new set of guide­lines issued by the American College of Obste­tri­cians and Gyne­col­o­gists. That group of women’s health providers now advises that most women get annual mam­mo­grams starting at age 40.
Why every year? I have no idea. To the best of my knowledge, there are no data to support that annual mam­mo­grams are cost-​​effective or life-​​saving for women in any age bracket at normal risk for BC. ….
Really loved this story reported on ABC Evening News this past week:  Dog Raises Over $17,000 After Running Marathon for Cancer Research (photo credit)

In 2008, when his new family adopted him, Dozer the Goldendoodle was the only pup left in the litter.
"He was the last of the bunch," said Rosana Dorsett, Dozer's owner. "He was the dog no one wanted ... but he's got a great heart."
It made Dozer kind of an underdog. But fast forward three years to the day of the Maryland Half Marathon -- a 13-mile race for cancer research -- and this pup found his way to the front of the pack. ……
The article includes a great video.  Go watch it!
H/T to @KentBottles  for the link to this Salon article by Mandy Van Deven:  The neuroscience of disgust
We all have things that disgust us irrationally, whether it be cockroaches or chitterlings or cotton balls. For me, it's fruit soda. It started when I was 3; my mom offered me a can of Sunkist after inner ear surgery. Still woozy from the anesthesia, I gulped it down, and by the time we made it to the cashier, all of it managed to come back up. Although it is nearly 30 years later, just the smell of this "fun, sun and the beach" drink is enough to turn my stomach.
But what, exactly, happens when we feel disgust?
Check out LITFL weekly review of the “webbed world of emergency medicine and critical care”  -- LITFL Review 029
……… Broome Docs:  Top spot this week heads up north to Casey Parker with his brilliant take off of the hit song “If you are happy and you know it.” If you’ve just come of a weekend of dealing with drunks, punks and personality disorders your bound to be singing this all the way to your next shift. Maybe we could even use the song as a preventative health measure and play it in the waiting room? 
“If you are angry and you know it, punch a pillow.
If you are angry and you know it, punch a pillow.
Don’t punch your wife, or the fridge or a window -
If you are angry and you know it punch a pillow!
If you are sad and you know it, call a friend. ….”
Check out DinoDoc’s post: Overkill
I saw a lady with a boil. It began as a small red bump which got bigger and harder, then drained white stuff, and was now getting better.
The reason she was worried about it was its location: it was on her breast. This was why the chief complaint officially read, “Breast lump” despite the fact that it was technically no such thing.
I examined her carefully, determining that the pathologic process was indeed confined to the skin and clinically did not involve the actual breast tissue in any way. However because she was of an age for screening mammography, I did take the opportunity to urge her to have it; which she did. The problem arrived with the radiology report:    …………..
Tomorrow, Wednesday Aug 10th, Dr. Tony Youn will be doing a live online reading from In Stitches via Livestream at 5:30pm ET at www.livestream.com/dryoun.    There will also be a live Q&A where viewers can ask questions and get them answered by Dr. Youn in real time.  Dr. Yong blogs at Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery and can be followed on twitter:  @TonyYounMD.  (photo credit)
I recently discovered another sewing blog:  the Dreamstress.  This post is for the sewer and the shoe lover:  Greek key shoes – swoon  (photo credit)
As we all know, I’m really into Greek keys.
My current Greek key  obsession is these evening boots:
……….I like the idea of the shoes, but really, I couldn’t handle them in person.  It’s just too much shoe for me

1 comment:

Gizabeth Shyder said...

I want to see you in those shoes! Haha.

Finally got in touch with Carolyn today - got that moving. So excited to join PCMS.

I had no idea you were fascinated with Greek keys. Very cool dress for that little four year old.